Call of Duty Custom Games: Hosting and Joining Private Matches


Custom games are a cornerstone of the Call of Duty online Royalcuanexperience, allowing players to create unique, personalized matches tailored to their preferences. Whether for casual fun with friends or competitive training, understanding how to host and join private matches is essential. This guide aims to provide comprehensive insights into the process of setting up and participating in custom games in Call of Duty, enabling you to enjoy a customized gaming experience.

The Power of Custom Games: Tailoring the Call of Duty Experience:

Explore the versatility and advantages of custom games, from creating specific rule sets to practicing strategies with friends.

Accessing Custom Games: Navigating the Game Menu:

Delve into the menus and interfaces of Call of Duty titles to locate the custom games option and begin setting up your private match.

Hosting a Custom Game: Creating Your Unique Battlefield:

Learn step-by-step instructions for hosting a custom game, including choosing settings, inviting players, and configuring rule sets.

Customizing Game Settings: Fine-Tuning the Experience:

Discover the various settings and options available for customizing your match, including map selection, game mode, and specific rule adjustments.

Inviting Players: Filling the Ranks for Battle:

Engage in the process of inviting friends, teammates, or other players to join your custom game and participate in the action.

Adjusting Rules and Restrictions: Shaping the Gameplay Experience:

Unearth how to fine-tune specific rules, such as time limits, score limits, and restricted items, to create a unique and challenging match.

Creating Custom Loadouts: Tailoring Loadouts to Your Liking:

Gain insights into setting up custom loadouts for players, allowing them to choose specific weapons, attachments, and equipment.

Game Modes in Custom Matches: Experimenting with Unique Scenarios:

Explore the different game modes available for custom matches and how they can be adapted to create new and exciting challenges.

Joining Custom Games: Participating in Private Matches:

Receive advice on how to join custom games hosted by other players, whether through invitations or by searching for available matches.

Custom Games for Practice and Training: Improving Skills in Controlled Environments:

Learn about using custom matches as a training tool, including practicing strategies, refining gameplay mechanics, and testing new loadouts.


Custom games are a versatile tool that allows you to tailor your Call of Duty experience to your liking. By understanding the hosting and joining process outlined in this guide, you can create unique and memorable gaming experiences with friends and fellow players. Whether for casual fun or competitive training, custom games offer endless possibilities for customization and enjoyment in the world of Call of Duty. So, gather your squad, set up your private match, and get ready for an epic gaming experience!

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