Drafting Strategies: Picking and Banning in Call of Duty


In competitive Call of Duty online Royalcuan, the drafting phase plays a crucial role in determining the course of a match. Effective picking and banning can give a team a significant advantage. This guide aims to provide comprehensive insights into the strategies for picking and banning in Call of Duty, enabling you to create a well-rounded team composition and counter your opponents effectively.

The Importance of Picking and Banning: Shaping the Battlefield:

Explore how the drafting phase impacts the flow and dynamics of a Call of Duty match, and why it's crucial for competitive success.

Understanding the Drafting Process: Phases and Rules:

Delve into the different phases of the drafting process, including initial bans, picks, and subsequent bans, and the specific rules that govern these actions.

Identifying Key Maps and Modes: Tailoring Your Bans:

Learn about the importance of studying the maps and modes in the current competitive rotation, and how to strategically ban maps to your advantage.

Targeted Player Bans: Disrupting the Enemy Team's Strategy:

Unearth the strategy of identifying key players on the opposing team and using targeted bans to disrupt their preferred loadouts or playstyles.

Prioritizing Weapon and Attachment Bans: Limiting Options:

Engage in the process of selecting bans that limit the availability of powerful weapons or attachments that could give the opposing team an advantage.

Synergizing Operator and Scorestreak Bans: Disrupting Tactical Advantage:

Discover how to use bans strategically to disrupt the use of specific operators or limit the availability of powerful scorestreaks.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Adjusting Picks to the Situation:

Gain insights into the importance of remaining flexible during the drafting process, allowing you to adapt your picks and bans based on the evolving match dynamics.

Building a Balanced Team Composition: Filling Roles Effectively:

Explore the process of picking operators and loadouts that complement each other, creating a well-balanced team ready for any situation.

Countering the Enemy's Picks: Adapting to Their Choices:

Receive advice on how to strategically counter the enemy team's picks and bans, ensuring that you maintain an advantage throughout the match.

Communication and Coordination: Maximizing the Drafting Phase as a Team:

Learn about the importance of clear communication and coordination with your team during the drafting phase to ensure everyone is on the same page.


Mastering the art of picking and banning is a pivotal skill in competitive Call of Duty. By understanding the strategies and techniques outlined in this guide, you can approach the drafting phase with confidence, creating a well-rounded team composition and countering your opponents effectively. Remember, practice and adaptability are key to perfecting your drafting abilities, so step into the competitive arena with determination and aim for victory in Call of Duty!

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